theater Alloue

Maroy Elizabeth Linda/

Author, poet and actress

Linda Maroy is an author, poet and actress from Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Passionate about words from an early age, she has developed her writing and acting talents over the years. Her committed writing is dedicated to the causes of young people and the defence of human rights.

Residency project:

The poem Nyene emerged from a burning desire to explore the often little-known realities of young adults. It is a plunge into a world where childhood and adolescence, lulled by the innocence of dreams, give way to an ambiguous period of transitions and growing responsibilities. At this crucial stage, nothing is done, everything remains to be built as these young people discover the attributes and challenges of adulthood.

Through the beauty of its poetic expression, Nyene is an encouragement to overcome the multiple pressures and tumultuous transitions of one's twenties.

Continuation of residency :

Linda Maroy was welcomed into a cross-residency between the Maison Maria Casarès and the Cité du Mot during the first half of 2024.

‘I put into words the challenges, sensations and thrilling, profound realities of my twenties. My two-part residency at Maison Maria Casarès and Cité du Mot allowed me to create and express these complex emotions. At the Maison Maria Casarès, I devoted my time to writing. Then, at the Cité du Mot, I brought my texts to life through their staging.’