With the support of the French Ministry of Culture, the ACCR has been coordinating the NORA artist-in- residence program for refugees exiled in France. The program is aiming at artists, researchers and culture professionals from countries in war, who have recently received a refugee status in France. The goal is to develop projects within French Heritage Sites for Culture (Centres culturels de rencontre), with the support of their team, and consequently getting a practical knowledge of French cultural, artistic and intellectual networks and building long-term connections and partnerships.
Initiated in 2016, NORA program has permitted to host in French Cultural centers for several months 28 artists from Middle-East. Taking part in NORA program helped them to connect with various professional structures working with poetry and visual arts. Some of them managed to publish their first book, others were able to continue to create, make exhibitions, animated films.
The call is aimed at artists, researchers and culture professionals from Near and Middle East and from Africa, who have recently received a refugee status in France; following countries will be examined in priority: Syria, Iraq, Libya, South Soudan, Eritrea and Yemen.
- by post to : ACCR, Hôtel de Massa, 38 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques, 75014 Paris, France
- by e-mail to: residences@accr-europe.org, including “NORA 2019” as the subject.
Applications should include:
• Curriculum vitae / short biography;
• Personal project for the residency period in line with the global project of the welcoming center;
• Cover letter;
• Recommendation letter;
• Copy of passport or national identity card;
• Copy of French residence permit or other documents received from the prefecture.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any difficulties in providing some of the documents mentioned above.
Handwritten versions of Curriculum vitae, cover letter, recommendation letter are accepted, if easily readable.
The NORA refugee artist-in-residence program allows residents whose projects have been selected by a Heritage Site for Culture (Centre Culturel de Rencontre), member of the French network, to receive 1000€ per month and the refunding of their travel fees (up to a determined level according to the distance to the residency center). Residents are staying free of charge, within the Centre that has accepted them. Whenever possible, the Centre puts at their disposal material necessary for their residency project. The period of residency can vary from 1 to 6 months.
• April-May 2019: Nora Commission deciding on the applications
• End of May 2019: Answers to applications
For further information, please contact: residences@accr-europe.org or at +33 1 53 34 97 00
Please download the list of cultural centers and contacts on the right