
Movie A fairy's regard/

Movie A fairy's regard

Les Dominicains de Haute-Alsace presents a documentary movie by Séverine Barde talking about Gretas Gratos in residency at Les Dominicains in 2014.

Feminine figure interpreted by a man, Gretas Gratos creates confusion. The actor Pierandré Boo plays a fictive character who is at the same time a female singer, an actress, a reviewer and a spokeswoman to defend his/her values. She speaks about inventiveness, unicity, freedom and invites us to question our own diversity.

She is the first resident artist from Odyssée Program who was hosted by the Heritage Site for Culture, Les Dominicains de Haute-Alsace.

Through Séverine Barde's documentary, Gretas Gratos reveals her private aspect and public aspect.

Time : 1 hour 26 minutes

Language : French