• Residencies

The Heritage Sites for Culture (CCRs) host residencies for artists, researchers and culture professionals, as part of a residency policy which aims to encourage creation and transdisciplinary dialogue. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, the CCRs support creativity and organise the dissemination of artistic projects to audiences, working continually to encourage dialogue between creativity and the general public. They contribute to the promotion of young artists, putting in place structures to identify young talent on a local and European scale, (e.g. through calls for projects and attending festivals), and maintain close links with universities. The discovery of young talent depends on the strength of these networks and interactions within the European cultural sector.

The ACCR coordinates, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, two residency programmes. One of these, Odyssée, is aimed at foreign artists, and the other, NORA, at artists who are refugees living in France. The artists selected to take part in these residency programmes are hosted by the Centres culturels de rencontre and associate members, encouraging intercultural exchange and interdisciplinary creation.

Residencies programs

Each Centre culturel de rencontre and associate member sets out a policy or programme for residencies, in synergy with its history and its cultural project, responding...
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Residencies in Heritage sites : the Heritage sites for Culture (CCR in French) welcome every year hundreds of artists & researchers from around the world....
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Calls for application

The ACCR and its members initiate numerous cultural projects in France and Europe. Here you will find calls for candidates by the ACCR and the Heritage Sites for...
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Residency notebook

The confrontation of ideas and cultures gives rise to the exploration of new artistic and research avenues. In addition to demonstrating an openness to others and...
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