Our missions/

Our missions

The Association des Centres culturels de rencontre (ACCR) was created to lead and coordinate the work of the network of Centres culturels de rencontre and its partners. It was recognised as a non-profit organisation in 1983. Its ambition is also to develop the network of Centres culturels de rencontre throughout the world, thereby promoting their regional, national and global influence from their local roots. In this way, the ACCR federates and supports French and international CCRs in their efforts to reuse heritage in a contemporary way in order to breathe new cultural, artistic and intellectual life into heritage and monuments.

The ACCR has four main missions.

/ Collaboration and information

As a federation of professionals, the ACCR leads the network, ensures that its members know each other better and encourages the co-construction of projects between CCRs through its expertise in engineering, setting up and monitoring cultural projects.

Every year, the ACCR draws up a programme of technical meetings and themed events, both online and face-to-face, so that it can work with its members and partners on a collective basis to address developments in cultural, heritage, economic, legal and new technology issues. Information sessions enable members to share trends related to the cross-disciplinary fields that concern them (expanding audiences, communication and marketing strategies in rural areas, culture and tourism, etc.).

The ACCR also acts as a resource for its members, compiling statistics and documents on an annual basis to provide an overview of the life of the network, monitoring French and European cultural policies, and providing a link between their various programmes and the various players involved.

The ACCR also initiates and coordinates joint actions to create synergies between the projects of each CCR and give them greater resonance. It provides a framework for meetings and exchanges to encourage joint projects and cooperation between members. The association sets up joint communications, pools skills and resources and deploys advocacy tools for its members and the ‘CCR’ label. Through the coordination of the French label and the international network, it promotes cultural pluralism.

/ Training & integration

The association supports the development of its teams' skills using a number of approaches: long-term training, webinars, peer exchanges, learning mobility programmes, etc. As often as possible, it mobilises researchers, professionals and partners capable of providing new insights and useful know-how to address the concerns of the Centres.

In this way, it encourages the transfer of skills between members and supports collective reflection in areas linked to cultural rights, the participation of residents, sustainable tourism, multi-activity, innovation and digital technology.

The ACCR also supports emerging artistic forms and practices and encourages the integration of professional artists at the start of their careers in areas far from major cities. In this way, it highlights the countryside and outlying areas as places that are conducive to the development of careers and artistic projects, and the need for support and assistance to help young artists settle in these areas.

/ Experimentation and change

The ACCR affirms its role of research, experimentation and innovation on themes common to the CCRs: the reuse of heritage, cultural tourism and rurality, multidisciplinarity, the inclusion and participation of residents, and professional integration. The association sees monuments and heritage as a means of examining major contemporary social, educational and local issues. To this end, twice a year it organises the ‘Rencontres de l'ACCR’, research-action events at which it promotes heritage as an area for collective reflection and experimentation.

The association lobbies public authorities and represents its members in national, European and international bodies. As a link between territories at different levels, the ACCR contributes to reflection on public policies in France with local authorities and the Ministry of Culture, and throughout Europe through its participation in several bodies.

/ Cooperation & internationalisation

With the support of the French Ministry of Culture, the ACCR has managed the ‘Odyssée’ residency programme for foreign researchers, artists and cultural managers since 2003. Since 2016, the ACCR has also been coordinating the ‘NORA’ residency programme , which is aimed at artists, researchers and cultural professionals who are refugees from countries in open conflict and have recently arrived in exile in France. Finally, it also implements emergency programmes with the Ministry, such as Nafas for Lebanese artists. Through these programmes, the ACCR examines and develops a policy of welcome and hospitality within the network as part of a dynamic of international cultural cooperation.

The ACCR works to preserve the diversity of cultural and heritage offerings in Europe and around the world by supporting the creation of projects that embody the values of the network. It supports the rehabilitation of heritage sites for cultural and social purposes around the world, for example in China, India, Lebanon and Benin. The ACCR steers and facilitates the implementation of international projects, as well as cross-disciplinary residencies, opening up territories to the international arena and encouraging intercultural and transdisciplinary dialogue.