• Les résidences
  • Retranscrire les émotions transmises par la littérature

Retranscrire les émotions transmises par la littérature/

Retranscrire les émotions transmises par la littérature


Accueillie en résidence Odyssée du 24 avril au 24 mai 2023 au château de Goutelas, Catalina Jaramillo est une autrice colombienne.

“My experience with the Odyssée Program has been incredibly enriching. I developed my project at Château de Goutelas, and I can say that it has been a time that has allowed me to fully immerse myself in creation. All the people involved with the residency and the château's staff have been extremely warm and made me feel welcome, even though I don't speak French. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage the other places of residence to accepting non-French-speaking individuals, as it is possible for us artists to find ways to connect with our environment.”

Catalina Jaramillo a souhaité développer un projet d’écriture singulier à partir de livres de seconde main. La première phase de ce projet consistait en une recherche de livres d’occasion qui avaient été annotés ou simplement surlignés par leurs anciens propriétaires. À partir de la collecte de ces notes manuscrites et intimes, l’artiste désirait les transformer en une poésie révélant les sentiments et les impressions des lecteur.rice.s. Le projet met l’accent sur ce que provoque la lecture plus que sur son contenu à proprement parler, créant une forme de méta-lecture.

“During these four weeks, I dedicated myself to developing the project I proposed from the beginning MarginaliaSelecta. Although I have made significant progress, it hasn't been enough to finish it. My intention with this work is to create a publication, and I would still need to dedicate more time to it. All these drawings and texts that I have developed during my residency are connected to Goutelas and my experiences here.”

En plus de l’écriture de textes poétiques, Catalina Jaramillo a accompagné chaque poème d’un dessin donnant l’impression d’une collection nous faisant voyager par les mots et en images.

Les résidences sont des moments de rencontre intenses et riches que ce soit avec les équipes du Centre culturel qui accueille l’artiste, avec les publics et les habitant.e.s ou encore avec les autres artistes présent.e.s dans le CCR. Les résidences d’artistes sont ainsi des moments privilégiés de dialogue interculturel et interdisciplinaire.

“Another invaluable aspect of my time here was sharing with the other resident, Maria Luisa Usai. When arriving in a new place with unknown people, bonds form quickly, and we have built a beautiful friendship during this time. Furthermore, we have considered the option of collaborating on a joint project since our works connect from many angles. In this regard, I would make a recommendation to the program, suggesting that they try to have at least 2 or 3 residents at a time, as the stay can become quite solitary. In my case, the time Maria Luisa was here was much more productive because we supported each other in the creative process and in connecting with the community, which presents more challenges when done alone.”

“Undoubtedly, this residency will have a positive impact on my work as an artist when I return to Colombia, not only because of the privilege of having paid time for creating my artwork but also because of the people and cultural agents I have met here. Within my artistic practice, traveling to different parts of the world has greatly changed the way I conceive art, and without a doubt, a program like Odyssée makes it possible for many artists who cannot afford such travel expenses to dedicate themselves to their work with dignity.
Lastly, I have nothing but gratitude for ACCR, the Odyssée program, andChâteau de Goutelas for allowing me to live this unforgettable experience. Thank you. »